Press and blog posts
Public talks
Policy briefs and Podcast
Academic presentations
Primo workshop ACTIVE-IT: Discussioni intorno a concetto di Active Ageing: origini, misurazioni, e traiettorie di sviluppo da una prospettiva critica e di genere
Secondo workshop ACTIVE-IT: Wellbeing e inclusione sociale degli anziani: prospettive teoriche, questioni metodologiche ed evidenze empiriche
Primo workshop DIGITAL-AGE
Secondo workshop DIGITAL-AGE
Academic conferences
- Diodati, F. (2024) “Digital Technology and Ageing in Place in post-pandemic Italy: Preliminary results of the fourth wave of the longitudinal study “ILQA_19”” – AGENET Conference: Kinning, Moving and Growing in Later Life
- Pizzul, D. (2024) “Peer-to-peer digital education for older adults: reflections on collaborative design and delivery of a smartphone course” – DIGITAL AGE – end of project workshop
- Nanetti, S., Carlo, S. (2023) “Breaking the Digital Divide: Addressing Inequalities in Access to Digital Services among Older People” – Ageing & Social Change: Thirteen Interdisciplinary Conference
- Cretazzo, F., Gaia, A., Garavaglia, E., Melis, G. (2023) “The Role of ICT in Fostering Active Ageing During The COVID-19 Pandemic in Europe” – Ageing & Social Change: Thirteen Interdisciplinary Conference
- Sala, E., Cretazzo, F., Zaccaria, D. (2023) “Does Internet Use Alleviate Old-Age Loneliness During Pandemics? A Gendered Analysis of The SHARE Data” – Ageing & Social Change: Thirteen Interdisciplinary Conference
- Melis, G., Sala, E., Zaccaria, D. (2023) “Keeping participants engaged. What we have learnt (so far) from the Italian qualitative Longitudinal Study on Older People’s Quality of Life during the Covid-19 pandemic (ILQA-19)” – European Survey Research Association
- Nanetti, S., Carlo, S. (2023) “Understanding ICTs in Older Life: A Scope Review of ‘The Gerontologist’ and ‘Research on Aging’.” – HCI International 2023. 25th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
- Zaccaria, D., Sala, E., Cretazzo, F. (2023) “ICT use and loneliness during Covid-19 pandemic: the case of European male and female older workers” – HCI International 2023. 25th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
- Nanetti, S., Carlo, S. (2023) “Emergenza Covid-19, digital divide, anziani: traino alla digitalizzazione e occasione mancata” – V Convegno Nazionale SISCC “Mondi possibili. Tra crisi, conflitti e pratiche creative”
- Carlo, S., Buscicchio, G. (2022) “How do work history and gender influence the usage and proficiency of digital technologies among older people?” – ESA RN01 Ageing in Europe Midterm Conference
- Carlo, S., Buscicchio, G. (2022) “Work, Digital Devices and Later Life: a Quanti-Qualitative Research” – 4th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
- Melis, G., Sala, E., Zaccaria, D. (2022) “The Role of Information and Communication Technologies in Researching Older People During the Covid-19 Pandemic” – 4th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
- Sala, E., Cretazzo, F., Zaccaria, D. (2022) “Is ICT use a protective factor against the risk of old-age loneliness during the Covid-19 outbreak? A study on older male and female Italians.” – XV Conferenza ESPAnet Italia 2022. La sfida del PNRR. La ricostruzione del welfare e le dinamiche della complessità
Teaching materials
Processi di invecchiamento, invecchiamento attivo e questioni di genere: un’introduzione
A questo link è possibile scaricare le slide sul lavoro di Garavaglia et al.. 2023 “Contrasting Ageism in Research on Older Adults and Digital Technologies: A Methodological Reflection”
Trascrizione e formattazione delle interviste: ciclo di formazione
Syllabus (pdf)
Modulo 1. Presentazione della ricerca e costruzione del dato qualitativo (pdf – video)
Modulo 2. Stili di trascrizione (pdf – video)
Modulo 3. La trascrizione: esercitazione (pdf )
Modulo 4. Modelli di formattazione (pdf – video)
Modulo 5. La formattazione: esercitazione (pdf)
Modulo 6. Esercitazione finale (pdf)