Carlo, S. (2024). Anziani e digitalizzazione tra efficienza e nuovi divari. Vita e Pensiero, Bimestrale di cultura e dibattito dell’Università Cattolica, pp. 51-56

Pizzul, D., Melis, G. (2024). La digitalizzazione dei servizi alla prova della terza età. I Quaderni di Agenda Digitale, maggio-agosto 2024, n. 0017, ISSN 2421-4167

Pizzul D., Sala E., Caliandro A., Zaccaria D. and Carlo S. (2024), “Evaluating the impact of a peer-education digital literacy course on older adults’ digital skills and wellbeing: a mixed-methods study protocol”. Front. Sociol. 9:1432607. DOI: 10.3389/fsoc.2024.1432607

Carlo S., Nanetti S. (2024), “COVID-19 Emergency: Boosting Digitalization and a Missed Opportunity for Acquiring Digital Literacy in the Old Population” in Social Theory, Empirics, Policy and Practice ISSN 1648-2425 eISSN 2345-0266, 2024, vol. 28, pp. 54–70 DOI: https://doi.org/10.15388/STEPP.2023.27.12


Carlo, S., Buscicchio, G. (2023). «Digital Media Domestication and Job Paths Among Older People: An Ethnographic Investigation». Media and Communication, 11(3). Pp. 1-11. DOI: 10.17645/mac.v11i3.6710. 

Carlo, S., Nanetti, S. (2023). «Understanding ICTs in Older Life: A Scope Review of ‘The Gerontologist’ and ‘Research on Ageing’», in: Gao, Q., Zhou, J. (eds.) Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. HCII 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 14043. Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-34917-1_29. 

Colombo, F., Aroldi, P., Carlo, S. (2023). «ICTs in Later Life and Post-Pandemic Challenges», in: Gao, Q., Zhou, J. (eds.) Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. HCII 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 14043. Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-34917-1_31.

Garavaglia, E., Caliandro, A., Melis, G., Sala, E., Zaccaria, D. (2023). «Contrasting Ageism in Research on Older Adults and Digital Technologies: A Methodological Reflection», in: Rosales, A., Fernández-Ardèvol, M., Svensson, J. (eds.). Digital Ageism. How it Operates and Approaches to Tackling it.  Routledge. 1st Edition. Pp. 248-265. ISBN: 9781032271538. DOI: 10.4324/9781003323686.

Sala, E., Cerati, G., Gaia, A. (2023). «Are Social Media Users More Satisfied with Their Life than Non-Users? A Study on Older Italians». Ageing & Society43. Pp. 76-88. DOI: 10.1017/S0144686X21000416 (online first, 2021).

Zaccaria, D., Sala, E., Cretazzo, F. (2023). «ICT Use and Loneliness During COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of European Male and Female Older Workers», in: Gao, Q., Zhou, J. (eds.) Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. HCII 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14042. Springer, Cham. Pp. 302–318. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-34866-2_23.



Carlo, S., Buscicchio, G. (2022). «Work, Digital Devices and Later Life: A Quanti-Qualitative Research», in: Gao, Q., Zhou, J. (eds.) Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Technology Design and Acceptance. HCI 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13330. Springer, Cham. Pp. 451- 465. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-05581-2_32.

Carlo, S., Buscicchio, G. (2022). «Condizione Lavorativa, Uso delle ICT e Invecchiamento: Una Indagine Descrittiva-Correlazionale del Contesto Italiano». Salute e Società, Fascicolo 3, Pp. 64-79. DOI: 10.3280/SES2022-003005.

Melis, G., Sala, E., Zaccaria, D. (2022). «Remote Recruiting and Video-Interviewing Older People: A Research Note on a Qualitative Case Study Carried Out in the First Covid-19 Red Zone in Europe». International Journal of Social Research Methodology25(4). Pp. 477-482. DOI: 10.1080/13645579.2021.1913921 (online first, 2021).

Melis, G., Sala, E., Zaccaria, D. (2022). «The Role of Information and Communication Technologies in Researching Older People During the Covid-19 Pandemic», in: Gao, Q., Zhou, J. (eds.). Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Design, Interaction and Technology Acceptance. HCII 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13330. Springer, Cham. Pp. 53-68. ISBN: 978-3-031-05580-5. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-05581-2_5.

Rolandi, E., Sala, E., Colombo, M., Vaccaro, R., Guaita, A. (2022). «Designing an Innovative Intergenerational Educational Program to Bridge the Digital Divide: The Cyber School for Grandparents Initiative», in: Gao, Q., Zhou, J. (eds.). Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Technology in Everyday Living. HCII 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13331. Springer, Cham. Pp. 398-412. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-05654-3_28.

Sala E., Gaia A, Cerati G. (2022). «The Gray Digital Divide in Social Networking Site Use in Europe: Results From a Quantitative Study»Social Science Computer Review, 40(2). Pp.  328–345. DOI: 10.1177/0894439320909507 (online first, 2020).

Zaccaria, D., Sala, E., Respi, C. (2022). «Le Competenze Digitali dei Lavoratori Anziani in Italia». Salute e società, (3). Pp. 9-25. DOI: 10.3280/SES2022-003002.



Boerio, P., Garavaglia, E., Gaia, A. (2021). «Active Ageing in Europe: Are Changes in Social Capital Associated with Engagement, Initiation and Maintenance of Activity in Later Life?». Ageing and Society. Pp. 1-19. DOI: 10.1017/S0144686X21001021.

Caliandro, A. (2021). «Repurposing Digital Methods in a Post-API Research Environment: Methodological and Ethical Implications». Italian Sociological Review, 11(4S). Pp. 225–242. DOI: 10.13136/isr.v11i4S.433.

Caliandro, A., Garavaglia, E. & Anselmi, G. (2021). «Studying Ageism on Social Media: An Exploration of Ageing Discourses Related to Covid-19 in the Italian Twittersphere». Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia, 2. Pp. 343-375. DOI: 10.1423/101848.

Caliandro, A., Garavaglia, E., Sturiale, V., Di Leva, A. (2021). «Older People and Smartphone Practices in Everyday Life: An Inquire on Digital Sociality of Italian Older Users». The Communication Review, 24(1). Pp. 47-78. DOI: 10.1080/10714421.2021.1904771.

Caliandro, A., Gui, M., Di Leva, A. & Sturiale, V. (2021). «Smartphone Overuse in the Old Age: A Qualitative Exploration on Actual Smartphone Use and Perceptions Among Italian Older Heavy Users». HCI 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12786. Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-78108-8_27.

Carlo, S. (2021). «Grey Digital Divide e Nuove Tecnologie, Ponte Tra Generazioni», in: Sangalli, C., Trabucchi, M. (a cura di ) Ipotesi Per Il Futuro Degli Anziani. Tecnologie per l’Autonomia, la Salute e le Connessioni Sociali, Il Mulino. Pp. 263-282. 

Carlo, S. (2021). «Anziani, Tecnologie, Salute», in: Crippa, A., Muari, R., Spreafico, G. (a cura di), Il Futuro delle RSA in Lombardia. Una Proposta di Sistema di Welfare Regionale, Maggioli Editore. Pp. 145-152. ISBN 8891646644. 

Carlo, S., Bonifacio, F. (2021). Elderly, ICTs and Qualitative Research: Some Methodological Reflections, in: Gao, Q., Zhou, J. (eds.) Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Technology Design and Acceptance. HCII 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12786. Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-78108-8_1. 

Casanova, G., Abbondanza, S., Rolandi, E., Vaccaro, R., Pettinato, L., Colombo, M., Guaita, A. (2021). «New Older Users’ Attitudes Toward Social Networking Sites and Loneliness: The Case of the Oldest-Old Residents in a Small Italian City». Social Media + Society7(4). DOI: 10.1177/20563051211052905.

Casanova, G., Zaccaria, D., Rolandi, E., Guaita, A. (2021). «The Effect of Information and Communication Technology and Social Networking Site Use on Older People’s Well-Being in Relation to Loneliness: Review of experimental studies». Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23(3): e23588. DOI: 10.2196/23588. 

Gaia, A., Sala, E., Cerati, G. (2021). «Social Networking Sites Use and Life Satisfaction. A Quantitative Study on Older People Living in Europe». European Societies23(1). Pp. 98-118. DOI: 10.1080/14616696.2020.1762910 (online first, 2020).

Melis, G., Sala, E., Zaccaria, D. (2021). «“I turned to Facebook to know when they would open the cemetery… ”. Results From a Qualitative Case Study on Older People’s Social Media Use during Covid-19 Lockdown in Italy». Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia, (2). Pp. 431-457. DOI:  10.1423/101851.

Melis, G., Sala, E., Zaccaria, D. (2021). «Remote Recruiting and Video-Interviewing Older People: A Research Note on a Qualitative Case Study Carried Out in the First Covid-19 Red Zone in Europe». International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 25(4). Pp. 477-482, DOI: 10.1080/13645779.2021.1913921.

Nuvolati, G., Mecatti, F., Sala, E. (2021). «Un Dipartimento al Servizio del Territorio. Aiutare gli Anziani e Analizzare i Dati del Covid-19», in: Nuvolati G. (Ed.) Esperienze di vita nei giorni del silenzio. La Bicocca al tempo del coronavirus, Milano: Nomos Edizioni. Pp. 225-228. ISBN: 979-12-5958-000-9.

Rolandi, E. (2021). Reti Sociali Reali e Virtuali e Contrasto alla Solitudine, in: Sangalli, C., Trabucchi, M.  (A cura di), «Ipotesi per il Futuro degli Anziani. Tecnologie per l’Autonomia, la Salute e le Connessioni Sociali», Il Mulino. Pp. 283–301. ISBN: 978-88-15-29489-0.

Sala, E., Cerati, G., Gaia, A. (2021). «Are Social Media Users More Satisfied with their Life than Non-Users? A Study on Older Italians». Ageing & Society. Pp. 1-13. DOI: 10.1017/S0144686X21000416.

Vaccaro, R., Abbondanza, S., Rolandi, E., Casanova, G., Pettinato, L., Colombo, M., Guaita, A. (2021). «Effect of a Social Networking Site Training on Cognitive Performance in Healthy Older People and Role of Personality Traits. Results from the Randomized Controlled Trial Ageing in a Networked Society-Social Experiment (ANS-SE) Study». Experimental Aging Research, 48(4). Pp. 311-327. DOI: 10.1080/0361073X.2021.1982351.



Gaia, A., Sala, E., Cerati, G. (2020). «Social Networking Sites Use and Life Satisfaction. A Quantitative Study on Older People Living in Europe». European Societies, 23(1). Pp. 98-118. DOI: 10.1080/14616696.2020.1762910.

Rolandi, E., Vaccaro, R., Abbondanza, S., Casanova, G., Pettinato, L., Colombo, M. Guaita, A. (2020). «Loneliness and Social Engagement in Older Adults based in Lombardy During the COVID-19 Lockdown: The Long-Term Effects of a Course on Social Networking Sites Use». International Journal of Environmental Research on Public Health, 17(21): 7912. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17217912.

Sala, E., Gaia, A., Cerati, G. (2020). «The Grey Digital Divide in Social Networking Site Use in Europe. Results from a Quantitative Study». in Social Science Computer Review, 40(2). Pp. 328–345. DOI: 10.1177/0894439320909507.

Zaccaria, D., Guaita, A. Vaccaro, R., Casanova, G., Abbondanza, S., Pettinato, L., Cerati, G., Rolandi, Sala E. (2020). «Assessing the Impact of Social Networking Site Use on Older People’s Loneliness and Social Isolation. A Randomized Controlled Trial: The Ageing in a Networked Society-Social Experiment Study (ANS-SE)». Contemporary Clinical Trial Communication, 19. DOI: 10.1016/j.conctc.2020.100615.



Facchini, C., Sala, E. (2019). «Anziani e Nuove Tecnologie. Rischi e Opportunità». Autonomie locali e servizi sociali, Quadrimestrale di studi e ricerche sul welfare, 2/2019. Pp. 151-162. DOI: 10.1447/95862.

Sala, E., Gaia, A. (2019). «Older People’s Use of «Information and Communication Technology» in Europe. The Italian case». Autonomie locali e servizi sociali, Quadrimestrale di studi e ricerche sul welfare, 2/2019. Pp. 163-183. DOI: 10.1447/95863.

Zaccaria, D., Casanova, G., Guaita, A. (2019). «Social Isolation, Loneliness, Use of Technology and Health among Older People in Northern Italy: Results from the InveCe.Ab Study». Autonomie locali e servizi sociali, Quadrimestrale di studi e ricerche sul welfare, 2/2019. Pp. 184-205. DOI: 10.1447/95864.