From March 2023 to February 2024

The main aim of Research Stream 2 is to understand how and to which extent digital inequalities are associated with inequalities in social capital and health, among the oldest old. To address this aim we analyse data from a cohort study of the population born in 1935-1939 in the area of Abbiategrasso, a suburban municipality of approximately 30,000 inhabitants in the outskirts of Milan (InveCe.Ab). This research leverages data on ICT use, health and social capital collected before and after the Covid-19 first outbreak (respectively in 2018 and 2022). Specifically, the objectives of this research stream are to

  • explore any changes in ICT use, health, and social capital before and after the pandemic among the oldest old population
  • understand whether higher levels of ICT use are associated with earlier vaccination take-up and/or better outcomes in terms of Covid-19 infections, and better long-term health outcomes
  • understand whether higher levels of ICT use are associated with social capital formation and/or maintenance of social relationships during the Covid-19 lockdowns, and whether digital resources are associated with long term outcomes in social capital 


Research Stream leader: Miss Elena Rolandi

Team Members: Dr. Alessandra Gaia, Mr. Michele Rossi, Dr. Antonio Guaita

Consult the profiles of team members here